Mermaids and Disk-Headed Gods

This article is about a powerful synchronicity I had at the end of December. If you find hearing about other people's synchronicities equally boring to having to listen to their dreams, just stop here. If you find such things weirdly interesting...

Three Wise Kings

(version 2.0 updated 6/01/2020) The Three Magi, or Drei Könige as they are called here in Germany, were my favourite characters in the Christmas tale when I was a kid: their names seemed so foreign and exotic and hey: they followed a star and...

Flogging a Dead God

Version 1.2 (29/10/2018) In my last article on the Headless Rite I drew some conclusions about its function according to my understanding after several months of practice. I mentioned that I stopped believing in the Headless One being a specific...


or Conquering Shai-Hulud (Version 1.2 - 29/10/2018) Last week's New Moon has been a very special occasion for me. Having Followed a suggestion by my occultist pen-pal Len W. to perform the Stele of Jeu rite on New Moon every month (the night sky...

Akephalos Redux

(Version 2.3 - 28/10/2018) After half a year of monthly practice of the Stele of Jeu in different variations I have come to a different understanding of it than when I started. Before beginning to practice the routine I spent several months...

Preisendanz' Headless God

For my research about the headless one that got way beyond my initial goal of simply translating the text for personal praxis I stumbled upon a publication by Karl Preisendanz, the first translator of the PGM into German in the 1920s, called...

The Six Names

(Version 3.1, 04/04/2019) I finally finished a workable German translation of the "Stele of Jeu" (PGM V, 96-172) for personal use based on the German 1928 Preisendanz translation (1) of the Greek Magical Papyri and his monograph Akephalos - The...

Die Stele des Ieû

Graeco-ägyptisches Exorzimus Ritual aus den Griechischen Zauberpapyri (PGM V 96-173), auch "Headless Rite" oder "Bornless Rite" genannt, von Aleister Crowley in modifizierter Form "Liber Samekh". Der hier abgedruckte Text basiert auf der...