Canary Capricorn

This is a detailed report of strange days full of pine tree portals, morning glory vines, tachycardia, synchronicities and personal gnosis that preceded (or retroactively followed) my initiation into the sphere of Saturn during a vacation with my...

Helleno-Kemetic Magic: Theoria

Third of a series of articles about my careful attempt to recreate a generic framework of Helleno-Kemetic magic. For an introduction and overview check out this article Version 1.1 - December 13, 2019 In this part I am recreating a technique of...

Into the Spheres

Trying Trithemius I have to admit my guilt of initial skepticism towards Rufus Opus' "Seven Spheres" from an ignorant armchair magician's perspective. The magical system seemed too "watered down" in comparison with the original framework laid out...

Sieben Sphären

Sieben Sphären ist ein Buch des US-amerikanischen hermetischen Magiers Frater Rufus Opus, der basierend auf einem Werk von Johannes Trithemius von Spanheim ein modernes magisches System geschaffen hat, mit planetischen Engeln in Kontakt zu treten...

Dawn of the Dead

Death Cycles At my morning walks along the canal this last week it has already become apparent that the winter is slowly fading and the sun is growing in strength. Nevertheless the all encompassing greyness and hardly visible but relentless...

Three Wise Kings

(version 2.0 updated 6/01/2020) The Three Magi, or Drei Könige as they are called here in Germany, were my favourite characters in the Christmas tale when I was a kid: their names seemed so foreign and exotic and hey: they followed a star and...


Aqueous Luck In the last few months I noticed an increase in general luck in my life. It's mostly small things like new checkout lines opening in the supermarket when I approach them, or being offered to skip the cue at the airport check-in, my...

Novene der Heiligen Jungfrau von Candelaria

Version 2.1 - 06/08/2018 Übersetzung der Novene an die Jungfrau von Candelaria aus dem Englischen und Spanischen ins Deutsche von Sublunar Space und frei verfügbar unter Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) Lizenz. Am besten...

Diosa Madre Chaxiraxi

Version 1.2 - 14/06/2018 Introduction I was baptised and raised Protestant and have always been puzzled by and admired Catholic devotion to the Blessed Virgin. During my spiritual journey I have always been drawn more towards the old pagan...

Rehoboam's Cheat Sheet

(updated 20/01/2019) Pay attention, my dearest son Rehoboam, to the details of this art of mine, your father Solomon, regarding the things in which the entire attention of Hygromanteia lies... For talisman and sigil creation, as well as for other...

Orphische Hymnen

Eine Auswahl der Hymnen des Orpheus, die ich aus mehreren Übersetzungen zusammengetragen habe. Sie sind hier nach den sieben Wochentagen sortiert, beginnend mit Helios (Sonntag), da ich sie, ähnlich wie die Planetischen Gebete zur täglichen...

Routines in Theurgy

As an almost full-time father of a now one year old child my spare time for enchantment is quite limited. The only thing I manage to routinely do is a daily adoration of the day's ruling planetary spirit. I have formed a habit of doing early...

Ankle of God?

When I translated the planetary prayers from the English translation of the Harleianus 5596 manuscript (Hygromanteia) by Marathakis into German for my personal use I stumbled over this peculiar expression in the prayer to Jupiter: I conjure you,...

Die Planetischen Gebete

In der Hygromanteia sind die Gebete an den Tagen und Stunden der jeweiligen Planeten als Anrufung und Vorbereitung zur Weihung und Aktivierung von Talismanen beschrieben. Sie eignen sich aber auch zur täglichen Gebetspraxis. Sonntag Im Namen des...