Canary Capricorn

This is a detailed report of strange days full of pine tree portals, morning glory vines, tachycardia, synchronicities and personal gnosis that preceded (or retroactively followed) my initiation into the sphere of Saturn during a vacation with my...

Novene der Heiligen Jungfrau von Candelaria

Version 2.1 - 06/08/2018 Übersetzung der Novene an die Jungfrau von Candelaria aus dem Englischen und Spanischen ins Deutsche von Sublunar Space und frei verfügbar unter Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) Lizenz. Am besten...

Diosa Madre Chaxiraxi

Version 1.2 - 14/06/2018 Introduction I was baptised and raised Protestant and have always been puzzled by and admired Catholic devotion to the Blessed Virgin. During my spiritual journey I have always been drawn more towards the old pagan...

Spirits of Achinet

Islas Canarias My parents have been in love with the Canary Islands since they first visited together in 1977. My father had already explored its largest island, Tenerife in 1972. Back then it was just the beginning of tourism there and most of...